Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Who we are

We are a passionate team of content creators dedicated to operating the website Our mission is to provide our readers with inspiring and captivating stories across a diverse range of topics. From delving into the depths of history to exploring the thrill of sports, from unraveling the mysteries of science to immersing ourselves in the realms of fiction and enlightenment, we strive to offer enriching content that resonates with our audience.


When visitors engage with our content by leaving comments on the site, we collect certain data to enhance their experience and maintain the integrity of our platform. This includes information provided in the comments form, such as name, email address, and website (if provided). Additionally, we gather the visitor’s IP address and browser user agent string to aid in spam detection. While we encourage healthy discussions and diverse perspectives, we ask our community to refrain from using inappropriate language or flooding the comments section with repetitive messages. Our goal is to foster a respectful and engaging environment for all.


Visitors to our website have the ability to download and extract location data from images displayed on our platform. However, it’s important to note that any associated risks related to copyrights or intellectual property rights from third parties will not be attributed to any employee of Inkspire Stories. We respect the rights of content creators and strive to uphold ethical standards in our use of media.


To enhance user experience and streamline the commenting process, we may utilize cookies on our site. If you choose to leave a comment, you have the option to opt-in to saving your name, email address, and website in cookies. These cookies are designed for your convenience, eliminating the need to re-enter your details each time you leave a comment. The duration of these cookies is one year, after which they will automatically expire.

Embedded content from other websites

Articles featured on our site may contain embedded content, such as videos, images, or articles, sourced from other websites. Embedded content functions in the same manner as if the visitor had visited the original website directly. These external websites may collect data about you, use cookies, and implement third-party tracking mechanisms. We advise our visitors to review the privacy policies of these external sites to understand how their data is handled.

Who we share your data with

We are committed to maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of the data shared with us. Any information provided through mail or other means will be kept strictly private and will not be shared with any third parties without the explicit consent of the individual.

How long we retain your data

Comments and associated metadata are retained indefinitely to facilitate automated spam detection and streamline the moderation process for follow-up comments. For users who register on our website, personal information provided in their user profile will be stored unless they choose to edit or delete it. All users have the ability to access, modify, or delete their personal information at any time, with the exception of their username, which cannot be changed. Website administrators also have access to and can modify this information as needed.

What rights you have over your data

If you have an account on our site or have left comments, you have the right to request an exported file containing the personal data we hold about you. This includes any data you have provided to us. Additionally, you can request that we erase any personal data we hold about you. However, please note that certain data may be retained for administrative, legal, or security purposes as required by law.

Where your data is sent

Visitor comments may be subjected to automated spam detection services to ensure the integrity of our platform and maintain a positive user experience for all visitors.